Uniting the CNS Biopharma Community to Develop More Sensitive, Reliable & Noninvasive Biomarkers
With fluid biomarkers hailed as a deciding factor for the unanimous Donanemab ADCOM decision, plasma ptau217 markers and synuclein PET tracers further refined for more quantitative disease staging, neuronally enriched EVs and MJFF self-seeding assay trailblazing for PD diagnosis and NFL utility beyond SOD-1 ALS being further interrogated, biomarker innovation and utility are hotter than ever before. But what’s next?
As more neuroscience R&D programs than ever, the 2nd Fluid & Imaging Biomarkers & Endpoints in Neuroscience Summit was the perfect opportunity to meet fresh faces and connect with thought leaders in biomarker discovery and implementation. Hearing the latest biomarker advancements for stratification, diagnosis, prognosis and prediction of drug efficacy to ultimately achieve more sensitive, objective and less invasive measures of disease progression or improvement in neurology to speed up the science and reduce costs down.
Biomarker discovery scientists, imaging experts, clinical program leads and regulatory experts united at the ultimate industry-focused event wholly dedicated to CNS biomarker development.
What Your Peers Covered:
Integrating multiomics, natural history studies, AI and machine learning models for improved biomarker identification and validation for precision medicine with Bristol Myers Squibb, Harvard Medical School, Janssen, and Eisai

Harnessing innovative fluid approaches with blood based biosignatures in AD, synaptic vesicles for disease subtyping, plasma ptau 217 for clinical utility, the Michael J. Fox self-seeding assay, NFL to predict clinical progression with the FNIH, Alector, and Eli Lilly.

Mapping tau, synuclein, TDP43 and SV2A PET tracers against disease progression for more sensitive and longitudinal monitoring of disease and patient benefit with the Michael J. Fox Foundation, Biogen, AC Immune, and Aprinoia Therapeutics

Harnessing biomarkers as surrogate endpoints in neuroscience trials, with lessons learnt from NFL, following the FDA modernization act for streamlined IND and BLA approvals with Regeneron, Tranquis Therapeutics, and PTC Therapeutics.

Strategizing on fluid and imaging assay implementation in trials to for more longitudinal and sensitive monitoring of patient benefit, remote biomarker applications to reach untapped trial populations, while minimizing costs with Abbvie, Takeda, and USC.

Who Attended?

The 2nd Fluid & Imaging Biomarkers & Endpoints in Neuroscience meeting united 90+ key pharma and biotech leaders across translational medicine, clinical development, biomarker discovery, omics computational science, medical affairs and regulatory affairs.

Joined by peers across discovery, translational and clinical development to accelerate approval of AD, PD, ALS & MS therapeutics with enhanced neurodegeneration and neuroinflammation biomarker measurements.